Monday, December 6, 2010

Hier ist ein Test. Ein Post von meine Mobiltelefon.

Softly Spoken Words Grip a Harsh Reality

My name is Alex Taylor. This is the first real post that I am posting on here. I've heard a lot about Blogs and I've actually read a few Blogs and I figured a while ago, why not start my own? People want to read about what I'm thinking and doing right? After all, we have major networks of people paying attention more than ever to what other people are doing: Twitter, Facebook, etc. So I'm going to throw myself into the public eye. Or so I will try.

I'm going to catch you up with who I am.

I'm a college student in Fresno, CA. I'm studying Electronic Media Production with a minor in German. I've always been interested in the film and music industry and art. I've drawn all of my life, you know, doodling in classes. Doodles that sometimes turned into more intricate drawings than I intended for them to be.

I started off in college not knowing what I wanted to do. At all. I walked in to college starting with Nutrition, because you have to start out with a major, right? Yeah, not really. Well I went along with Nutrition until I failed a one unit class because I barely went. Must not be for me I guess. It's funny in retrospect, because it happened a second time. Is that what it takes for me to realize that maybe something isn't for me? I have to fail? Is that how it works?

Anyways, it happened a second time. But this time it was Enology. Failed a Viticulture class. Man was that class a bitch. It was strenuous and boring. How does that work, you ask? Well try differentiating two "different" green grapes that look identical. I was bored by it, and it was a strain on my brain when I tried not to be bored by it. It was definitely not for me.

So then I met a guy who is now a great friend of mine. Everyone is shaped by the people we meet. He nudged me in the right direction. I showed him a small clip of a video I'd made with a buddy of mine. Single-camera. You obviously like this stuff Alex, why don't you study it in college.

Middle of my sophomore year and I was changing my major for the third, and last time. I went on with this major and stuck with it. Though now having gone through almost all of it, it definitely wasn't what I thought it was. But my interest in learning about movies, how they are made, and what it takes to put one together never waned. I even revitalized interests I had before along the way. But college has taught me one thing for sure. Whether they give you the technical skill or not, they can't teach you about what it's really like to be working in the real world. College is nothing like the real world. I work at a television station and it works nothing like the way my class did in college.

So here I am now. One semester away from graduation. Next semester I will be working on a short film for which I am brainstorming the plot.

That is me until this current point in time. Now you know, and perhaps have a better understanding of my writing as this Blog grows.

Thank you, and until next time.
